What Is Procurement Transformation?

In the wrong hands, procurement can be a static system that simply serves to facilitate the obtaining of resources. Undergoing procurement transformation is the key to bolstering your savings. Savings gained with new contacts, relationships, and value. Every serious operator recognizes the value of procurement transformation. From the biggest businesses to banks all across the […]

What Are the Benefits of Using AI for Procurement?

Artificial intelligence and its many potential applications have long been a much-loved concept. This is true both in science fiction and theoretical models. Only recently have we begun to see the future of these possibilities take shape as a reality instead of a fantasy. The estimate is that AI for procurement will increase business productivity […]

How Spend Analysis Can Help Your Telecom Spend Management

Did you know that global technology spending had a four percent increase even amid the pandemic? These numbers should not surprise you, especially since almost all businesses rely on technology and telecom to operate most of their functions. Unfortunately, about 20 percent of the amount that companies spend on telecom is an unnecessary expense. For […]

Category Management Analytics drives Business Digital Transformation

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Imagine this: your team has found itself over budget after a challenging year of technology migrations and changing suppliers. You and your team need to find where the problems lie but no-one has enough spending analytics associated to your contract lifecycle management to fully understand the actual services being delivered within your technology and telecom […]

Gain More Value From Your Enterprise Spend Using Contract Intelligence

What is telecom contract intelligence? We’re creating new activities in your Source to Pay life cycle that unlock hidden value and deeper insight into your supply chain. Once the domain of consultants performing one-off reviews, this can now be done in minutes by our intelligent analytics platform. Why use it? Discover budget efficiencies that can […]

How to Overcome Procurement Challenges? Use Spend Management Analytics

Gain control of your enterprise spend management through our defined use cases for digital procurement analytics. “We were aware there was issues with our Telecom spend and we weren’t getting the total value from our supplier contacts, but we did not have a flow of good data and struggled to make sense of what data […]

Optimizing Enterprise Telecom in Digital Transformation

Enterprise telecom expenditure and strategic cost management is still quite a niche subject once you get into the detail of it, but the rise of Digital Transformation and Digital Procurement means it is quickly becoming a focus area for many enterprises. From a data perspective, it overlaps all the services that make up the essential […]

Strategic Cost Management for Complex Services: CTO Insights

The focus for enterprises on strategic cost management and contract value intelligence has never been more important. From mobile contracts and packages for your teams, through to the M2M communications between your machines, your organization is consuming technology services in one form or another. You are well aware of your growing need for these services, […]

How to Optimize Your Telecom Spend

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As a buyer, how do you prevent Contract Value Leakage in your complex Telecom Spend? Simple, Spend Analytics!  Telecom is increasingly a prominent feature in enterprise budgets. Annual spend on Telecom equates to an average 1-2% of enterprise revenue. Therefore, significant savings and efficiencies found in Telecom will make a significant impact on the bottom […]

Digital Procurement: What Is a Thinking Machine?

When we thought about our approach to enterprise data, telecom expense management, spend analytics and digital procurement, the name came quite naturally. Our corporate background was in a company with one of the most complex data warehouses in the world. Legacy data warehouses were built on top of one another, each with an initial scope […]


TMS is an AI company that creates cost savings from Telecom expenses.


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