Telecom-Network Infrastructure Pricing

Often the data available on your Telecom network infrastructure is so scattered that you are unable to negotiate better prices for lack of information.   There are so many factors and complexities to consider that is inevitable to be overwhelmed. How to determine the optimal price to aim for when negotiating new deals or renewing […]

What’s Involved in Deploying Spend Optimization Platforms

Are you exploring a spend optimization solution for your IT services and wondering how they are deployed?  Want to make sure they are not an absolute headache for you and your business? Know the right questions to guide your selection criteria? You’re in the right place. In this Article, we will go over the key parts […]

Comparing TEM and IT spend optimization platforms

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Technology Expense Management (TEM) and IT spend optimization platforms are both solutions that companies can use to manage and reduce their expenses. TEM platforms are a well-established solution category that for many years was the only solution capable of handling enterprise requirements, including invoice processing, contract management, and usage reporting. This reporting has helped companies […]

Benefits of Cost Optimization in IT

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Cost optimization is a critical aspect of modern business operations. It involves identifying ways to reduce costs while maintaining or improving performance. The demand for cost optimization is so pressing in companies that there are full service online platforms available today focusing solely on securing cost optimization in all sectors of the enterprise. They can […]

Refundable Billing Errors and Where to Find Them

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Cost Savings in IT This is the 2nd article in our “Cost Savings in IT” series. Introduction Did you know that 3% of invoiced charges are likely to be billing errors? Are you looking for ways to identify these errors and claim refunds from your vendor?  Trying to work out how to systemize the process? […]

Methods for optimizing costs in IT

financial, analysis, accounting

Methods for optimizing costs in IT   Are you looking for ways to optimize costs in IT but not sure where to begin?    Trying to work out the most efficient way to identify cost savings?    In this article, we’ll look at the different methods of optimizing IT costs and how a cost optimization […]

The Modern Telecom and IT – Value Extraction Guide

Summary Telecom, IT & Cloud make up 83% of global IT spend according to the worldwide IT spending report by Gartner. This is a massive number highlighting how significant these categories are to IT Procurement organizations. Yet, despite the best efforts of IT Procurement to secure and sustain the best value for their business, they […]

Why Technology Expense Management (TEM) needs a Thinking Machine

Telecom Expense Management (“TEM”) platforms are significant investments that help organizations streamline their finance and procurement processes for technology services. Do they deliver the most ROI you can generate from your technology services? The answer is no. TEM platforms are best equipped for providing company-wide reporting and centralizing key procurement functions. But they lack automation […]

Identifying the Telco savings your traditional audit can’t

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A traditional one-off audit of your Telco services may leave you feeling like the job is done, but they are often incomplete and erroneous. These manual audits of the past are allowing many companies to spend as much as 50% too much on their Telco services, hampering vital growth and data hygiene. The complex Telco […]

A Complete Guide to Procurement Analytics

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Resilient supply chains and processes are more critical than ever. But how can your procurement department put this into practice?  One of the best ways to improve processes is to invest in the power of data with procurement analytics. Many chief procurement officers (CPOs) do not have the technology to leverage data. A study found […]


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