The Human Element of Procurement: Building Strong Teams in a Digital Age

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The role of procurement has transformed significantly over time. In an era where artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation are reshaping the business landscape by enhancing efficiency in processes, improving accuracy in findings and helping teams make better decisions for the business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that technology alone can […]

The Value of Regularly Auditing Your Technology Spend: How Internal Audits Can Take You to the Next Level

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Technology spend is considered among the most complex and significant areas of expenditure in any organization. Given its intricacies, managing and optimizing this spend necessitates more than just periodic oversight. Regular internal audits of technology spend can play a crucial role in maintaining financial health, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and fostering stronger supplier relationships. In this […]

The Promise of AI in SaaS: What Has Actually Been Delivered?

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry for several years now. With promises of revolutionizing everything from customer service to business analytics, AI has been marketed as a game-changer for SaaS solutions. However, while the potential of AI is enormous, the reality of what has been […]

Zero-Based Budgeting in IT: A Tool for Radical Cost Optimization?

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Regardless of the changing priorities of businesses throughout the years, cost management remains one of the main challenges for procurement professionals. As technology continues to advance and the demand for IT services grows, finding innovative ways to optimize costs has become critical, but procurement professionals often grapple with budget constraints, the need for rapid technological […]

Evolving Roles in Procurement: From Tactical Buyers to Strategic Advisors

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In recent years, the role of procurement professionals has undergone a significant transformation. No longer confined to the back office, today’s procurement specialists are at the forefront of strategic decision-making within their organizations.  This shift from tactical buyers to strategic advisors marks a pivotal evolution, one that is reshaping how businesses approach procurement and supply […]

How to Navigate the Complex Landscape of Global IT Procurement

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As organizations extend their reach across international borders, the complexity of procuring IT resources also multiplies. A complexity that extends to navigating a web of legal frameworks, diverse supplier’s infrastructures, cultural variations, and economic conditions that vary from one country to another. And that’s without mentioning the challenges of managing costs and ensuring timely delivery […]

Mastering Procurement Data: Benefits of Training Your Team in Analytics and Taxonomies

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Earlier this year we published on this blog the first article of our Mastering Procurement Data series, where we share the process to achieve complete excellence in your procurement function. The first article of the series entitled “Mastering Procurement Data – The Power of a Unified Source of Record” talked about the importance of creating […]

Mastering Procurement Data: The Power of a Unified Source of Record

The role of a Procurement Director is fraught with challenges. According to research conducted by the job search platform Zippia[1], Procurement Directors maintain their positions for an average of only 1 to 2 years, with over 60% leaving before reaching their fourth year. This high turnover rate clearly shows the significant challenges inherent in the […]


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