Enabling Management Consultants to Drive True Cost Transformation for Clients

Management consultants are dedicated to creating value for their clients, and the purest form of this is cost transformation. Making a meaningful impact on client costs requires simplification and innovation, empowering the client to pursue new opportunities and growth. Consultancies can help their clients with complexity management and budgeting to some extent, but a solution […]

How Spend Analysis Can Help Your Telecom Spend Management

Did you know that global technology spending had a four percent increase even amid the pandemic? These numbers should not surprise you, especially since almost all businesses rely on technology and telecom to operate most of their functions. Unfortunately, about 20 percent of the amount that companies spend on telecom is an unnecessary expense. For […]

What is the Role of Contract Value Intelligence in Spending Analysis?

Understanding what truly constitutes contract value intelligence (CVI) is a crucial starting point for strategic cost management, expense management and enterprise spending analysis. Telecom or technology contract value can be determined by the quality of the service in relation to your overall technology and telecoms spend, which you must be aware of to determine whether […]

Digital Transformation With Spend Analysis Software

Enterprise digital transformation occurs when digital technology enables businesses to function better than before, improving efficiencies and business processes. At the core of this process is the transition of analog information to digital formats, with significant value available to organizations that adopt the right cost reduction strategies, spend management strategy, spend analysis process, and expense […]


TMS is an AI company that creates cost savings from Telecom expenses.


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