The Human Element of Procurement: Building Strong Teams in a Digital Age

group of people using laptop computer

The role of procurement has transformed significantly over time. In an era where artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation are reshaping the business landscape by enhancing efficiency in processes, improving accuracy in findings and helping teams make better decisions for the business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that technology alone can […]

The Value of Regularly Auditing Your Technology Spend: How Internal Audits Can Take You to the Next Level

person holding pencil near laptop computer

Technology spend is considered among the most complex and significant areas of expenditure in any organization. Given its intricacies, managing and optimizing this spend necessitates more than just periodic oversight. Regular internal audits of technology spend can play a crucial role in maintaining financial health, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and fostering stronger supplier relationships. In this […]

Mastering Procurement Data: Benefits of Training Your Team in Analytics and Taxonomies

man standing behind flat screen computer monitor

Earlier this year we published on this blog the first article of our Mastering Procurement Data series, where we share the process to achieve complete excellence in your procurement function. The first article of the series entitled “Mastering Procurement Data – The Power of a Unified Source of Record” talked about the importance of creating […]

Mastering Procurement Data: The Power of a Unified Source of Record

The role of a Procurement Director is fraught with challenges. According to research conducted by the job search platform Zippia[1], Procurement Directors maintain their positions for an average of only 1 to 2 years, with over 60% leaving before reaching their fourth year. This high turnover rate clearly shows the significant challenges inherent in the […]

Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement in IT

woman and man sitting in front of monitor

In the dynamic realm of Information Technology (IT), stagnation is not an option. The IT landscape is perpetually evolving, driven by relentless innovation and rapid technological advancements.   To maintain a competitive edge, organizations are recognizing the necessity of instilling a culture of continuous improvement—a commitment to perpetually assess, iterate, and enhance their IT processes, […]

The Digital Transformation Journey: From Traditional IT to Modern Cloud Solutions

a person walking through a maze of red and black cubes

Digital transformation is more than just a buzzword; it represents a seismic shift in the way businesses operate and deliver value. But have you ever wondered how businesses made the leap from traditional IT infrastructures to the boundless cloud? In this article, we offer a historical perspective on traditional IT systems and their foundational role […]

The rise of the digital supply chain: How the digitalization of the supply chain is driving greater efficiency, transparency, and collaboration across the procurement process

Today we’re delving into the heart of a revolution that’s shaking up procurement processes all around the globe: the digital supply chain. The digitalization of the supply chain is transforming procurement, driving greater efficiency, transparency, and collaboration across the procurement process. In this article, we’ll better understand how the rise of the digital supply chain […]

7 Tips and Tricks for managing SaaS subscriptions: How to effectively manage SaaS subscriptions, optimize costs, and maximize ROI


Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) subscriptions have become an essential tool for businesses across a range of industries. They offer numerous benefits like helping eliminate the need for businesses to invest in expensive hardware, software licenses, and infrastructure. The subscription-based pricing also allows companies to pay only for the services they need, leading to reduced costs and more […]


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