For Procurement & Finance

Transform Your Approach To Cost savings and value creation

Help your Procurement & Finance teams generate more value with data you already own using our 99%+ accurate document extraction technology.

Enterprises that love Thinking Machine

We enable Procurement & Finance teams to

Audit the Past

For recoverable billing mistakes.

Optimize the Present

With Cost Efficiencies & Service Improvements.

Negotiate a Better Future

With Contract Analytics and Pricing Intelligence.

How it Works

Import Invoices from Anywhere, in Any Format.

Connect your Email inbox. Integrate your SharePoint, ERP or CRM. Drag-and-drop manually. Wherever your invoices are, in any format or language, we’ll handle the rest.


Our AI platform automatically identifies savings opportunities for you from hidden expenses.

What we find for you:

Internal saving opportunities from existing contracts
Benchmarking data to support future negotiations


Our platform creates analytics dashboards for you - use it out-of-the-box or customize it to your needs

These analytics connect detailed data about your vendors, services, and products from any geography and language. This is your key for automating the creation of complicated report building, and achieving transformation in your global workflows.


Implement saving opportunities within your business, or we can help you do it.

Our platform provides you all the detailed information and context needed to empower internal teams to work together and implement opportunities.

We also offer managed customer success packages if you want a helping hand.

“We always knew we had problems, now we have
the context and the ammunition we need to go after them.”

Commercial Contract Manager, Scotia Gas Network

Case Study

Scotia Gas Network generates $150,000 of savings from their Telecom services with years left on the contracts.

Thinking Machine...


Frequently Asked Questions

Manual audits have narrow scopes, making it difficult to validate quality, and not designed to monitor for new issues that invariably start accumulating again as soon as the audit is completed. Our platform is your permanent auditor, with more comprehensive and accurate results.

Cost optimization checks are a secondary feature of TEM platforms.
They’re first and foremost a reporting platform. They perform cost optimization checks manually and inconsistently. We would be a natural extension to your TEM solution to automatically deliver the benefits that managed services cannot provide.

Even when you pay for a dedicated managed service from your vendors, they have the same issue of overload information complexity that consultants and auditors crash into. They keep their focus narrow in order to deliver their service leaving many hidden expenses behind. They don’t talk to your other vendors, and probably won’t make it obvious when margins are built into their contracts! We consider your optimization and savings needs a number one priority, with no hidden agendas.

Together we will super-charge IT Procurement and
make it a model for everyone else to follow.

Ready to transform your business?


TMS is an AI company that creates cost savings from Telecom expenses.


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